Our Athletes page gives an overview of the nutritional needs of vegan athletes, as well as a list of top vegan athletes.
- Comprehensive nutrition guide for vegan athletes by Nick English
- Datorade: dates with other ingredients as electrolye replacement - by Smoothie Gains
- Fuelling tips for ultra-runners during training or races by No Meat Athlete
- Home-made running fuel by No Meat Athlete
- Meal plan for ultra-athletes (4,500 kcal/day) - by Susan Levin, M.S., R.D.
- Nutrition tips for athletes on a vegan diet - article by Alexa Tucker
- Nutrition tips for vegan athletes - article by Deryn Macey
- Protein and the Vegan Athlete: all you need to know - article by No Meat Athlete
- Real Food Snacks - article by Velopress
- Tarahumara Pinole energy bars - by One Ingredient Chef
- Vegan Diets: practical advice for athletes - paper by D. Rogerson
- How to fuel your workouts and races with whole foods - by No Meat Athlete
More and more professional athletes are turning to a plant-based lifestyle to improve performance and make a difference for animals and the planet as well.
An overview of great vegan athletes can be found at the Great Vegan Athletes website.
Below are just a small selection of plant-based athletes. Expect this list to grow steadily!
- Adam Hansen, pro-cyclist, record holder grand tour finishes - 100% plant-based
- Antony Mullaly, Irish rugby international - 100% plant-based
- Carl Lewis, 9-time Olympic champion (athletics) - 100% plant-based
- Lewis Hamilton, five-time world champion F1 driver - 100% plant-based
- Novak Djokovic, 15-time grand slam winner - plant-based, no meat, dairy or eggs
- Patrik Baboumian, world strongman record holder - 100% plant-based
- Rich Roll, pro ultraman & podcast host - 100% plant-based
- Scott Jurek, legendary ultramarathon runner - 100% plant-based
- Tia Blanco, 2-time World surfing champion - 100% plant-based
- Venus Williams, 23-time grand slam winner - 100% (raw) vegan
- Vlad Ixel, top trail runner - 100% plant-based