The link between diet and diabetes
Dr. Michael Greger explains how diabetes happens: it is either because of a lack of insulin production, or because of the accumulation of saturated fats in the cells.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has published a clear overview of the mechanism behind diabetes type II and how to tackle and reverse it.
Just a few months earlier, in July 2019, Jama Network published a landmark study on the association between diet and risk of diabetes.
Reversing diabetes through diet (and weight loss)
In September 2019 the University of Cambridge published a study that shows that if a person achieves weight loss of 10% or more, that they are twice as likely to reverse type 2 diabetes than people who don't.
The glycemic index of foods is very important. You need to focus on foods that release their sugars slowly (e.g. fruits, oats...) and combine them with a lot of fibre and some protein.
How about diabetes type 1?
Here is an intriguing case study on the reversal of diabetes type 1. More research is coming out and being done that shows that diabetes type 1 can be mitigated or even reversed through a well-planned plant-based diet.
Cyrus Khambatta and Robby Barbaro are two health experts who have lived with diabetes type 1 for more than 10 years. They have done a lot of research on living with diabetes type 1 and have shown that you can thrive like anyone else if you take control of your diet and follow a plant-based lifestyle ---
More resources
- List of plant-based doctors specialised in diabetes
- A plant-based for the treatment of diabetes type II - review in NCBI
- Small clinical trial that shows controlled blood glucose levels within 3 days
- Diabetes: Study proposes five types, not two - article in Medical News Today
- Diabetes Reversal by Plant-Based Diet - study published on JMS
- Going vegan could prevent type 2 diabetes - article in Medical News Today
- Prescribe Plant-Based Diets for Diabetes Prevention and Treatment - by ADA & PCRM
- Tackling diabetes with a plant-based diet - info on the PCRM website
- Tackling diabetes with a plant-based diet - TEDX speech by Neal Barnard, MD