
The books listed below explain that a plant-based whole foods diet is the healthiest there is for humans. Each author addresses the issue from a slightly different perspective, but the overall message stays the same. 

Some authors, like Dean Ornish, will focus on a holistic approach to health (including stress-relief, meditation, emotional support, etc.), while others will focus on specific food items that should be avoided or included (Esselstyn, Davis).
- 21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart by Neal Barnard
Blue Zones Solution by Dan Buettner
Dead Exec Don't Get Bonuses by Dr. Joel Kahn
Eat More, Weigh Less - by Dr. Dean Ornish
Engine Seven Day Rescue Diet (intro to PBWF diet) - by Rip Esselstyn
Finding Ultra - by Rich Roll
How Not To Die - by Dr. Michael Greger
How Not To Diet - by Dr. Michael Greger
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - by Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn
Proteinaholic - by Dr. Garth Davis, M.D.
Reversing Heart Disease - by Dr. Dean Ornish
- The Alzheimer's Solution - by Dr. Dean Sherzai and Dr. Ayesha Sherzai
- The China Study - by Dr. Colin T. Campbell, PhD et al.
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant Based Nutrition by Hever and Cronise
The Low-Carb Fraud - by Colin T. Campbell
The Plant-Based Solution - by Dr. Joel Kahn
The Spectrum - by Dr. Dean Ornish
The Starch Solution by Dr. John A. McDougall
- The Truth About Food - by Dr. David Katz
Thrive: guide to health and energy by Brendan Frazier
- Undo It! by Dr. Dean Ornish and Anne Ornish

While we believe that the above authors are genuine and trustworthy, it is important that you check out their credentials, the credentials of anyone who publishes anything on nutrition. A good set of guidelines is:

- Is the author a practising medical physician or Phd in health or nutrition, educated at recognised quality-degree granting institutions?

- Does the author have published research papers in recognised peer-reviewed journals?

- Does the author have no obvious significant conflicts of interest?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you know or have read a book that you would like to see included.