Foods & Nutrients

Here we collect information about different foods and nutrients. Most links refer to importance of certain foods and nutrients in a well-balanced plant-based diet. Other links explain why processed oils are actually NOT a good idea.

To start, check out these fact sheets about nutrition on the PCRM website!

Then make sure to learn about Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen of foods that you should eat.

And here is an overview of the foods to you should eat on The Power Plate.

Top websites:

Avocados lower LDL cholesterol - by Michael Greger, M.D.
Chia seeds vs flax seeds - by Michael Greger, M.D.
Flaxseed and its many benefits for women - by Michael Greger, M.D.
- Nuts or No Nuts? - video by Plant-Base Science London  
- What fruits fight cancer better? - by Michael Greger, M.D.
- Walnuts are the Healthiest Nut - article by BBC
- Which nuts fight cancer better? - by Michael Greger, M.D.

Bulgur wheat and its benefits - article on
- For the Love of Grains - article by Dr. John McDougall

- 23 reasons to start cooking with nutritional yeast - article by Deena Shanker
Nutritional yeast: detailed explanation
- Nutritional yeast vs Brewer's yeast


- Omega 3s (Vegan Health) - literally everything you need to know about Omega 3s
- Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats - info page by The Vegan Society
- Should You Be Taking An Omega-3 Supplement - article by Harvard Medical School

We grew up thinking that some oils are good for you, and some not so good. As it turns out, it is better not to consume processed oils than to consume them. Below is the evidence.
Oil: the good, the bad and the ugly - by UC Davis Integral Medicine
- Oil and Cardiovascular Disease Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 - by Terri Quenzer, PhD
Coconut oil raises LDL cholesterol - podcast (with transcript) by Michael Greger, MD
Coconut oil: the ultimate guide - by UC Davis Integral Medicine
- Should I use oils in my plant-based diet? - by My Plant-Based Family
No oil, not even olive oil! - presentation by Caldwell Esselstyn, MD
Olive Oil and Artery Function - video by Michael Greger, MD
- Olive Oil is not healthy - presentation by Michael Klaper, MD
Olive Oil - who knew it wasn't so healthy after all - by The Healthy Librarian
Olive Oil: why you should opt out - by UC Davis Integral Medicine

Which are the healthiest vegetables? - by Michael Greger, MD

- Should we take multivitamin supplements? No! - by Michael Greger, MD
- Vitamin B12 in-depth explanation - by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo
- Vitamin B12: comprehensive explanation of B12 sources - by Jack Norris, RD