Fake News

The animal food industry is trying its best to keep the public misinformed. It does so by funding promotion campaigns (cf. Got Milk?) and paying scientists to come up with studies that give a positive light to their products. 

The following videos and articles expose this strategy of misinformation that has been so successful over many decades, and that has caused the deaths of literally hundreds of millions of people over the years.

The Saturated Fat Studies Set Up to Fail - video by Michael Greger, M.D.
Truths and Myths about the Vegan Diet - very informational interview with Dr. Klaper

THE GAME CHANGERS (22/11/2019 update)

Since the documentary The Game Changers has come out, hundreds of people have tried to debunk it. Their attempts are poor at best, as Dr. Garth Davis explains in detail in this excellent Response to Layne Norton's Review of The Game Changers.