
We like to be inspired. It gives us energy and hope. This page lists a number of inspirational stories that we want to share with you. We hope that you enjoy them.

- A pair of twins compare a vegan vs non-vegan diet programme - by the Physicians Committee

- How Magician Penn Jillette Lost over 100 lbs - video by Penn Jillette

- How to Talk to Non-Vegans - video by Earthling Ed (in his most Jesus outfit!)

- Food as Medicine - presentation by Michael Greger, MD

- Meet the Vegans Having Better Sex Than You - about the people in The Game Changers

No Longer Vegan: the Pant Paradox - Dr. Joel Kahn's explains why he is no longer vegan!

- Plant-based Nutrition Essentials - presentation by Neal Barnard, MD

- Plant-based success stories - articles on Dr. Joel Furhman's website

- Preventing and Treating Disease with Diet - presentation by Michael Greger, MD

- Teachers Inspires 1,300 Colleagues to go Plant-Based - ABC News story

- Ten Amazing Vegan Body Transformations - overview by Mic The Vegan

- Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death - speech by Michael Greger, MD